Digital Storytelling Workshops
Digital storytelling is a creative way to tell a first person narrative using written language, visual imagery and sound. The workshops are an opportunity for people to preserve and share a part of their family history in a unique way and learn some new skills at the same time.
Participants in the two-day workshops create their own 3-to-5 minute digital story. With the facilitator’s assistance, they craft and record first-person narratives, collect photographs to illustrate their stories and add music. Basic computer knowledge is required.
The workshops are facilitated by digital media artist, Evie Ruddy. Evie trained at the Center for Digital Storytelling in Berkeley, California and has worked with people of all ages to help them create touching first-person narratives about their lives and experiences.
“Everyone who takes my workshop – from kids to seniors – leaves with having created a short digital video that they can share with family and friends,” said Ruddy. “We have a lot of fun reminiscing, writing scripts, choosing which photos to include, and putting it all together with music. In the end, people feel a sense of pride in sharing their stories, and in having learned basic digital media skills that they can apply in other areas of their lives.”
Past workshop participants have created stories about special family members, cultural traditions, family history, hobbies and more. Some of our past participants have agreed to share their digital stories. To view, click on the links below.
The Button Charm by Celeste Rider
Stafford Movie by Kathleen Kristjansson
Three Cousins Amazing Genealogy Adventure by Renae Grubb
The Prairie Gamble by Yvonne May
The workshops are open to everyone – from teenagers to seniors. Preregistration is required as there is a maximum of 6 participants per workshop. Participants are required to bring a laptop, a set of headphones and about 10 to 15 digital or hardcopy photographs, any images to be scanned or family memorabilia to be photographed.
Upcoming Digital Storytelling Workshop: To be determined.