Volunteer Registration Form

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Name:  __________________________________________________________________________________
                                              (include First Name, Initial and Surname)

Address:  ________________________________________________________________________________

City/Town:  ___________________________________________________  Prov/State:  __________________

Postal Code:  __________________________________

Phone:  _______________________________________           Fax:  ___________________________________

Email Address:  _____________________________________________________________________________

SGS Member:  _________    If not, would you like information on SGS?  ___________


I would like to volunteer to:
Please circle the area(s) you would like to work in


  1. Library – Create a list of pulled items from our library, update some information in books.  All need to be done in our library.
  2. Obituary – cross check obituaries to collection, then adding obituaries to collection – work in our library / index obituaries after 2001 – work can be done from home.
  3. Saskatchewan Resident’s Index (SRI) – index (can be done at home online), proofread, correct, coordinator
  4. Cemetery – transcribe, data entry (can be done at home online).
  5. United Church Indexing – to be done at the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.
  6. Don’t know/anything that needs to be done.
  7. Other (please specify)


Return completed form to:

Saskatchewan Genealogical Society
PO Box 1894
Regina    SK   S4P 3E1

Email: saskgenealogy@sasktel.net
Fax:  306-780-3615