Subject Index to SGS Bulletin
This is an index to the essays, biographies, genealogies, indexes and information published in the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Bulletin during the past 43 years, Volume 1, 1970 to Volume 43, 2013. This index allows researchers to identify essays and other information quickly and easily.
Each article is assigned a subject category such as adoption, artifacts, bibliographies, biographies, cemeteries, computers etc. Articles about a specific place are assigned a place and subject category. Some articles have been assigned more than one category to allow for cross-referencing under other categories.
The index is sorted alphabetically by subject and place/subject. Each entry consists of a header line in capital letters defining the category, followed by the title of the article, author’s name, in some cases additional information to amplify the title and on the last line the Volume, Number and Year the article was published.
Researchers wishing to examine an original article can use copies of the Bulletin which are available in bound volumes in the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Library. SGS members may borrow these volumes from the library by specifying the volume, number and year. Members of Canadian genealogical societies should check to see if there are copies of the Bulletin available in their Society’s library.
Back issues of the Bulletin are available for purchase. A listing of available copies can be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Inc, PO Box 1894, Regina, SK S4P 3E1 or by e-mailing SGS office.
Index compiled and edited by Rae W. Chamberlain