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Culture Day at Saskatoon Branch of SGS

#1 - 1730 Quebec Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan #1 - 1730 Quebec Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

The Saskatoon Branch of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society is participating in Culture Days to promote family history and genealogy research.  Visitors are invited to view the displays and, in addition...

A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers

via Zoom

Presented by Dave Obee. Researching in old newspapers no longer means sitting at a microfilm reader for hours on end, winding through a seemingly endless string of news stories and...

Family Tree 101: Jump-Starting Your Family Heritage Journey

Government House, 4607 Dewdney Avenue, Regina 4607 Dewdney Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Family Tree 101 is a partnership between Heritage Regina and Government House - Saskatchewan, Regina Public Library, the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society - Regina Branch....